I am the fox. Desert fox, snow fox, forest fox, city fox – I am omnipresent. Adaptable, changeable, malleable, paradoxical. What seems sacred to you, I will overthrow with a great crash in the middle of the night. What you consider abominable or evil, I will place on an altar and show you how precious it is.
Michael, what are you really good at?
I would say in the depth psychological support and sustainable development of people.
What is it about when you accompany people?
Above all, it is about authenticity, developing potential and spirituality, so that the magic of the world can be rediscovered.
What quality of relationship do you offer people?
We are in a dialog. I see your deep qualities and resources.
I always give you the space to decide how and at what pace you want to embark on your journey. I know from my own experience that excessive demands are just as much of a hindrance as laziness.
What is your vision?
My vision is to connect as many people as possible with their own power and to create spaces where we meet in a new consciousness of love.
Michael Fuchs is the No. 1 expert for the Hero’s Journey in the German-speaking world. He is regarded by many as the teacher of teachers and advisor of advisors. Some of the leading figures in modern business are among his traveling companions. His unerring instinct for people and their inner processes helps him to bring their deep qualities to light. His companions say that he is at least 20 years ahead of his time.
For more than 25 years, people have been moved by his wisdom and transformative power to embark on their own hero’s journey in Michael’s personal development seminars. In his workshops, he combines the most important aspects of systemic therapy, depth psychology and Eastern and Western philosophy. Michael Fuchs attracts people who are looking for profound, vivid experiences and a fulfilled life. With all his heart and dedication, he inspires and accompanies transformation processes for those who have the courage to open up to the world and to themselves. Working with him gives us the feeling of being connected to something greater than ourselves.
You can find out more about Michael’s background here.
He has been teaching meditation and Buddhist methods since 1999. Michael is a successful idealist and the initiator of many voluntary projects, including the Global Community Game. He has written 3 major books: Modern Heroes (2005), Leadership of the Jedi (2016) and the latest book was published internationally in April 2020, Leadership in the Vuca World.
As a long-standing organizational developer and founder of Five4Success, he specializes in international and medium-sized companies, where he trains future-oriented managers in sustainable development, Spiral Dynamics, flow techniques and neurofeedback.
Awakening is the most natural thing there is.
We heal by connecting with our qualities.
We relax in it and learn to linger in order to live our truth from there.
When we find the courage to surrender our self-images and remain still within, we begin an endless process of deep creativity and fulfillment, which is our true nature.